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amazing variety i love this

Thank you!!

I ike this asset pack, but I have two requests.

First, I cannot entirely tell what every tile was intended for.  can you supply a text file, maybe by tile coordinate on the sprite sheet, that identifies each item in some minimal way, and if not obvious from that how it is intended to be used/positioned with other tiles?

My second request is harder; I’ve downloaded multiple tile sets looking for one that suits my needs, that is, has a clear set of up and down stairs in all directions (north to south, south to north, east to west, west to east, so 8 tiles total). I know is hard in this style of pseudo-orthogonal-isometric (but it’s a little easier, because I think one down stair tile and one up stair tile can simply be rotated to get the four directions).  I’ve tried, but I’m not quite a good enough artist.  I have things that are workable but clearly not up to the caliber of the original art.


WOW. add plz some characters and enemys to this i can pay extra looks nice to some dungeon games or puzzle game.


Mind blowingly good! So much variety, so much quality, this is probably the best zelda-like dungeon pack on Itch.

You really outdone yourself with this one! Cheers!


very nice


SORCERY! Take my money!